
zaplal medeelel

2011-10-31, 17:43
Хязгаарлалттай бичлэг байна. Та хэрэв үзэх эрхтэй бол энд дарж орно уу.
бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

english 2

2011-03-30, 17:51

Curriculum for English-2

1. Basis of curriculum

To develop of students’ knowledge of English that helps their everyday activity.

To help them to get worldwide information about culture, art, technique, and science of England, USA and other.

To have an ability to speak fluently, listen, translate onto both English and Mongolian texts on jurisdiction and economy.

 2. Objective

Regarding students’ knowledge – to expand students’ knowledge of grammar and learn some new vocabularies on.

 To obtain the ability to read, speak, listen and write.

Regarding student’s attit...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

english 3

2011-03-30, 17:47

Curriculum for English-III

1. Basis of curriculum

To develop of students’ knowledge of English that helps their everyday activity.

To help them to get worldwide information about culture, art, technique, and science of England, USA and other.

To have an ability to speak fluently, listen, translate onto both English and Mongolian texts on jurisdiction and economy.

 2. Objective

Regarding students’ knowledge – to expand students’ knowledge of grammar and learn some new vocabularies on.

 To obtain the ability to read, speak, listen and write.

Regarding student’s attitude – al...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English -3 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

various 2

2011-03-29, 19:19


Choose the correct verb:
I can't hear the radio. Can you ______ it up, please?
A) make C) turn
B) keep D) switch


Choose the correct spelling of the word for a group of cows:
A) hurd C) herd
B) heard D) he...
бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English -3 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

various 1

2011-03-29, 19:16


Which American President had wooden teeth?
A) George Washington C) George Bush
B) Abraham Lincoln D) Chester A. Arthur


In which American state the greatest timber (lumber) can be found?
A) Texas C) Iowa
B) California
бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English -3 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

reading 2

2011-03-29, 19:15
Mrs. Taylor bought (1) small chicken and (2) vegetables for dinner. (3) first thing she did when she got home was to prepare (4) chicken. She wiped (5) chicken with (6) damp cloth. Then she put (7) oil, wine, vinegar, and seasonings in (Cool large bowl. Then she let (9) chicken marinate in (10) mixture for (11) hour before she broiled it. She prepared and cooked (12) vegetables at (13) last possible moment because she didn't want then to be overcooked.

Fill the gaps with articles or indefinite pronoun: "a", "an", "the" or "some

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх


2011-03-29, 19:14

Fill the gaps with these words:

of sit like my
breakfast her goes half
the wash and there

Use each word only once. You can tick the words you have already used. Press Tab key to remove to the next box easily.

Michael Smith gets up at (1) past eight every Sunday morning and eats (2) with his family. He and his wife (3) the dishes, and the children make (4) beds. They hurry. The family (5) t...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

intermediate 8

2011-03-29, 19:13

Read the text and then try to answer the following questions without seeing the text:

Peter is an electrician. He's going out the door. He is getting into his car. Right now he is starting the motor. The car is moving. He is driving past a railway station. He is stopping the car. His friend is getting in the car. They are driving to work. Peter's friend is happy to be in the car. It is quite early in the morning, and today it's very cold. Peter's friend is going to be early for work today.

Select the correct answer in the box on the right:


What is P...
бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English -3 | (1) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

intermediate 7

2011-03-29, 19:12


Have you ever to London?


No, I .


Where are you ?


No, she isn't here. She's already .


бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English -3 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх