
Шалгалтын асуулт 4


Улирлын нэгдсэн шалгалт

2010-2011 оны хичээлийн жилийн 2-р улирал

Хичээлийн нэр: English

Багшийн нэр: Н.Азтэгш

Хамрагдах мэргэжил: Хуулийн 2

Шалгалтын хэлбэр: бичгээр,амаар

Name.........................                          Surname............................


-          Please read carefully before filling the gaps

-          Please start from the exercise, which you prefer easier

-          Explain the main idea as possible as own words

-          Working hours 90 minutes

-          Turn off cellular phones




I.                   Translate paragraph into Mongolian

Ashtrays located in the approved smoking areas and waste baskets shall be emptied daily and cleaned with a damp cloth. Ashtrays and waste baskets shall be washed with warm water and soap as required. Metallic surfaces shall be thoroughly dried. Sand filled ashtrays shall be emptied surfaces shall be thoroughly dried. Sand filler shall be replaced as required. / 5 scores/

Translation II

Laundry service shall be provided to all Owner approved man camp residents at no additional cost. The contractor shall be responsible for providing. collection, cleaning, drying, folding, storage and delivery of all residents’ linen bed sheets, pillow cases, towels, wash clothes, kitchen and dining room linens and any other linens, personal items and work clothing. All items shall be washed in clean hot water, using suitable soaps, detergent and softeners as necessary. All items shall be dried by tumble-drying. Services shall be limited to one round bottom laundry bag, minimum size 36*56 sm. Personal items, work cloth should be serviced daily and return on the same day. Required laundry machines and equipment shall be provided by contractor at owners cost based on owners approval prior to purchase.  / 10 scores


Translation III

What you've just done is a kind and noble act, an act of connecting your heart and mind and spirit to another's, without expecting anything in return from them. This is the highest form of giving. Thank you for helping out by giving a child's family so much hope.

Your donation is being used to sponsor expensive, yet life-saving heart surgery for a poor child in India. The operation will be performed using the resources of the Dr. Mani Children Heart Foundation, with the utmost commitment to quality and safety... just like the earlier 55 operations carried out with 100% success.

See some of the smiles you have helped put on the face of innocent little children, who now have a new lease on life! Meet our smiling hearts

My most sincere hope at this point is to make the significance of your generosity crystal clear to you. Today you have offered a stranger kindness and love. Today you have given a child a chance. Today you have unleashed a child's future potential and touched a family with hope and joy.

That is the effect you are having right now, and it is this impact I hope you will carry with you through the rest of your life. Thank you, from my heart, for making a difference.  /15 scores/

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

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