Шалгалтын асуулт 7
2010-2011 оны хичээлийн жилийн 2-р улирал
Хичээлийн нэр: English
Багшийн нэр: Н.Азтэгш
Хамрагдах мэргэжил:Хуулийн 3
Шалгалтын хэлбэр: бичгээр,амаар
Name......................... Surname............................
- Please read carefully before filling the gaps
- Please start from the exercise, which you prefer easier
- Explain the main idea as possible as own words
- Working hours 90 minutes
- Turn off cellular phones
I. Translate the following explanations on business term /6 scores/
1. A 'salary' is the money you are paid, usually monthly, for doing a job, usually non-manual.
2. A 'competitive salary' is a good one for that particular job.
3.A person who gets a salary is a 'salaried employee'.
4.If you need money, you can ask for 'a salary advance'.
5. If you 'undertake a salary review', you look at all the salaries to decide which need changing.
6. 'A salary scale' is the range of salaries available.
7. If a salary is good, we can say that it is 'attractive'.
8.Everybody hopes to get a 'salary increase'.
9.The 'basic salary' is the salary before any extras such as bonuses.
10.When you start a job, you will receive your 'initial salary'.
II. Fill the gaps in appropriate business terms /10 scores/
rate, income tax, net salary, equal pay, overtime, national minimum wage, basic state pension, deductions, gross salary, bonus,
1.Her ............................ is £50 000 but obviously she takes home considerably less than that.
2.The ...............................is the gross salary minus the deductions the employer makes for contributions and tax
3.The details of the ................................. are on your pay statement. You can see what you are paying.
4.In some countries, you have to complete an ............................. return annually to calculate the tax to be paid.
5.Some people are .........................on piece rate. They are paid by their output, not by the time it takes.
6.The .......................................... is very low, too low for a decent standard of living.
7.The ..................................... varies according to age. Young people are paid less than adults.
8.Each year, there are many cases where women take their employer to court to fight for .............................
9.I do a lot more hours than in my contract but I don't get paid ...................................
10.Every year, usually in January, we receive a ........................... It is a discretionary bonus related to your performance.
I. Translate the paragraph from English into Mongolian / 14 scores/ Each paragraph -7 scores/
1.All businesses must handle money and keep records. Business owners need to know how much they have sold, how much of what they sold was returned by customers, and how much they owe to others. They need to know the amount they are spending for building repairs, rent, salaries, and other expenses. Their records show whether their business is making or losing money and give them information they need for government reports
2.A decrease in the general price level is called deflation. With deflation there is an increase in the purchasing power of a dollar. Deflation tends to occur when the supply of goods and services is greater than the demand. When prices become high because of inflation, consumers may cut down on their purchases. This may happen either because they think that prices are too high or because they have already bought to the limit of their money and credit. Because of the decreased buying by consumers, businesses have less demand for their products. They may decrease the number of their employees or have employees work fewer hours