Шалгалтын асуулт 3
Улирлын нэгдсэн шалгалт
2010-2011 оны хичээлийн жилийн 1-р улирал
Хичээлийн нэр:
Багшийн нэр: Н.Азтэгш
Хамрагдах мэргэжил: Хуулийн 3
Шалгалтын хэлбэр: бичгээр,амаар
Name......................... Surname............................
- Please read carefully before filling the gaps
- Please start from the exercise, which you prefer easier
- Explain the main idea as possible as own words
- Working hours 90 minutes
- Turn off cellular phones
I. Choose the right response for each /10 scores/
1. You should change that color. = You should _________________ that color with another one.
a) redo b) replace c) revert
2. This brand is known around the world. = This brand is world-_________________.
a) known b) famed c) famous
3. Will this brand be marketed all over the world? = Will this brand have a global _________________?
a) approach b) scope c) interest
4. This particular campaign isn't doing so well. = This particular campaign is __________________ .
a) struggling b) streaming c) stellar
5. The market is __________________ with these types of products. = The market is already full of these types of products (There isn't any room for another one).
a) saturated b) satisfied c) happy
6. We want to make sure that this new message doesn't __________________ what we've been saying before. = We don't want the new message to be at variance with the previous one.
a) consider b) contemplate c) contradict
7. Give me a couple of days to ___________________ this strategy. = Give me a couple of days to think about this strategy.
a) contemplate b) contain c) contradict
8. This type of mistake can have serious _____________________. = This type of mistake can have serious consequences.
a) repercussions b) reprieves c) reprimands
9. This, for example, is the marketing plan from last year. = This, for _________________, is the marketing plan from last year.
a) instant b) instance c) sure
10. We need to create a consistent brand _________________. = We need to create a corporate image that doesn't change.
a) attitude b) clout c) platform
II Match the definition on the left with the letter of the term on the right gaps /10 scores/
a – teller b - to cash a check c - to make a withdrawal
d - to make a deposit e - to bounce a check f - wire transfer
g – transaction h – balance i – branch j - annual
1. a method of transferring money between accounts, people, etc .....................................
2. a bank employee that deals directly with customers, receiving and paying out money .................................
3. the amount of money in a bank account -............................
4. to receive cash in exchange for a check -...............................
5. to write a check while not having enough money in one's account to cover it, resulting in the check not clearing, and the person who received the check not getting paid .....................................
6. any activity (withdrawal, deposit, etc.) performed by the holder of an account ..........................................
7. to add money to an account .......................................
8. a subsidiary of a bank .......................................
9. yearly .........................................
10. to take out money from an account
III. Translate business letter and paragraphs into Mongolian/ total 10 scores/
Thank you very much for offering to help us.
We are a small charity operating a hospice for very sick people. We finance this work by running a charity shop in the town centre. People donate items they don't want and we then sell these at cheap prices. The staff are all volunteers so, apart from the rent and electric bills, all the money we make goes directly to the hospice.
However, in the last few years, the income from the shop is going down. We need to increase it or we will be in financial trouble and the hospice will close. That's why we have asked you, a retail consultant, to help us.
Thank you so much for doing this without charge. We really appreciate it.