Шалгалтын сэдвүүд
English 2 2nd course
Speaking: topics
1. Family photos
2. School Crossing Guard
3. On the subway
4. Do – It – Yourself
5. At the bank
6. Family night
7. Family outing
8. The big snow
9. Hunting for antiques
10. Leaving the hospital
11. A visit to the dentist
12. Father`s day
13. Getting a loan
14. At the supermarket
15. The paper boy
16. Lunches for school
To make describe these texts and answer the questions, speak in your own words, to talk about these texts for students.
Used materials: From internet and the books oral skills practice book for students at the intermediate level.
Dean curry `Day by day`
Warm up:
Grammar: The present continuous tense
The past continuous tense
The future continuous tense
To make exercises and compare, to use of the grammar books, using the books by Sumiya and Oyuntsetseg.
Reading and listening, translating
1. Many students have to live with a roommate while going to school or college. What are some of the important qualities of good roommate ?
2. Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer ?
3. The expression ‘Never, never give up’ means keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement ?
4. When people succeed, it is because of hard work. It is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree ?
5. How do movies or television influence peoples behavior ? Use reasons to support your answer.
To write essay, and talking about this title. Using books and internet. To listening to CD and DVD, repeat to talk about this essay, to put the question and to answer.
Vocabulary a new words.
1. P4 item – wide
2. P5
Get on the bus – shop assistant
Professional words; Critical legal studies.
Used materials; Popular English – Russian and Russian – English dictionary, E.Chinbat English dictionary Mongolian, legislative acts of the USSR, professional English for lawyers /text book/, J.Amarsanaa Table of contents, grammar and usage.