Оюутнаар судлуулах эрдэм шинжилгээ судалгаа
Topic of the essays
1. Write essay regarding to the topic within 200 words
2. Using professional terminology
3. To have topic sentences
4. To have supporting sentences at least 4 sentences
5. Concluding sentences
6. Have to appropriate to the topic and title
7. Determining the purpose and objectives of the essay
1. legal education in Mongolia
2. Human rights in Mongolia
3. Human freedom and development
4. Poverty
5. Living standard in Mongolia
6. Implementation of the laws
7. Legal professions and its opportunity, career
8. About supreme court system
9. Why I chose the profession of lawyer
10. High quality and skill of lawyer
1. My purpose and goal in the future
2. Dream to contribute nation's development
3. My respectful profession
4. Satisfaction of being lawyer
5. Honor and ethic of the lawyer
6. Living in abroad
7. English is the global language
8. Choosing the living environment
9. Mongolia is the ancient tribe
10. I am proud of my homeland
Thesis topic on academic writing
1. Comparison of tenses
2. Word formation
3. Right usage of preposition
4. Right usage of conjunction
5. Sentences structure
6. Differences between compound and complex sentences
7. Gerunds
8. Specific characteristic of legal translation
9. Translation of official documents
10. Translation methods of contracts and agreement
1. Write essay regarding to the topic within 200 words
2. Using professional terminology
3. To have topic sentences
4. To have supporting sentences at least 4 sentences
5. Concluding sentences
6. Have to appropriate to the topic and title
7. Determining the purpose and objectives of the essay
1. legal education in Mongolia
2. Human rights in Mongolia
3. Human freedom and development
4. Poverty
5. Living standard in Mongolia
6. Implementation of the laws
7. Legal professions and its opportunity, career
8. About supreme court system
9. Why I chose the profession of lawyer
10. High quality and skill of lawyer
1. My purpose and goal in the future
2. Dream to contribute nation's development
3. My respectful profession
4. Satisfaction of being lawyer
5. Honor and ethic of the lawyer
6. Living in abroad
7. English is the global language
8. Choosing the living environment
9. Mongolia is the ancient tribe
10. I am proud of my homeland
Thesis topic on academic writing
1. Comparison of tenses
2. Word formation
3. Right usage of preposition
4. Right usage of conjunction
5. Sentences structure
6. Differences between compound and complex sentences
7. Gerunds
8. Specific characteristic of legal translation
9. Translation of official documents
10. Translation methods of contracts and agreement
бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: Оюутнаар судлуулах ш.ухааны эх зохиол,ш.ухааны бүтээлийн жагсаалт |
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