
Дүрэм бус үйл үг

2011-03-29, 18:23

Дүрэм бус үйл үг

I  бүлэг

1.      Abide          дагах,мөрдөх                           abode                             abode

2.      Arise            өндийх,өөдлөх,босох            arose                              arisen

3.      Awake         сэрэх                                           awoke / awaked /         awoke / awaked

4.      Be               байх,юм мөн,бол                             was,were                      been

5.      Bear           төрөх                                              bore                               born

6.      Become        болох          ...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (15) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

Шалгалтын сэдвүүд

2011-03-26, 20:33

    English 2            2nd course

Speaking: topics 

1.      Family photos

2.      School Crossing Guard

3.      On the subway

4.      Do – It – Yourself

5.      At the bank

6.      Family night

7.      Family outing

8.      The big snow

9.      Hunting for antiques

10.  Leaving the hospital

11.  A visit to the dentist

12.  Father`s day

13.  Getting a loan

14.  At the supermarket

15.  The paper boy

16.  Lunches for school

To make describe these texts and answer the questions, speak in your own words, to talk about these texts for students.

Used materials: From internet an...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

Шалгалтын асуулт 4

2011-03-26, 19:32

Улирлын нэгдсэн шалгалт

2010-2011 оны хичээлийн жилийн 2-р улирал

Хичээлийн нэр: English

Багшийн нэр: Н.Азтэгш

Хамрагдах мэргэжил: Хуулийн 2

Шалгалтын хэлбэр: бичгээр,амаар

Name.........................                          Surname............................


-          Please read carefully before filling the gaps

-          Please start from the exercise, which you prefer easier

-          Explain the main idea as possible as own words

-          Working hours 90 minutes

-          Turn off cellular phones




I.                   Translate paragra...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

Шалгалтын асуулт

2011-03-26, 19:32

Улирлын нэгдсэн шалгалт

2010-2011 оны хичээлийн жилийн 1-р улирал

Хичээлийн нэр: English

Багшийн нэр: Doc-t. Н.Азтэгш

Хамрагдах мэргэжил:Хуулийн 2

Шалгалтын хэлбэр: бичгээр,амаар

Name.........................                          Surname............................


-          Please read carefully before filling the gaps

-          Please start from the exercise, which you prefer easier

-          Explain the main idea as possible as own words

-          Working hours 90 minutes

-          Turn off cellular phones


Source material: online test


бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх

How to learn English

2011-03-26, 19:14

Learning English is much more than a fad; it is really a must! Let's take a look around us: the latest information around the world is written in or translated into English. To keep up with the ever-changing world, we must be equipped with a good command of English. From a more practical point of view, armed English is one of the most important required subjects for the university and high school entrance exam. To do well on the exam, we must, again, study hard to score high in the subject.

Frankly, my English is not good. But I have been doing my best to improve my English in order to pass t...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (1) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх


2011-03-26, 18:39


Sample Conversation:






A  B


A: Good Afternoon. How may I help you today?


B: Hi. Id like to cash this check.

        deposit this money into my account

        withdraw $500.00 from my account.

        change this into American money.

        pay this bill.


A: Can I have your card please?


B: Ok. Here you are.


A: And, Ill need some picture ID as well.


B: Is my drivers license OK?


A: Thatll be fine. Thanks.

Counts money

A: Here is your ID and here is your money. ...

бичсэн: A-Z english төрөл: English-2 | (0) Сэтгэгдэл | найздаа илгээх